Dental Care and Opioid Use Disorder – A Shocking Connection

Dental Care and Opioid Use Disorder

The opioid epidemic is a complex problem affecting much of America. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 128 people die every day because of opioid overdoses. In 2017, an estimated 1.7 million people fell victim to a prescription opioid use disorder. The opioid crisis has led many healthcare and government leaders looking for […]

Can Opioid Use Disorder be Avoided with Clever Ads?

The Opioid Crisis - Truth Initiative

What will it take to staunch the opioid epidemic currently gripping American communities? No one would argue that single stand-alone interventions will work. However, a growing number of people are putting a lot of hope into riveting new advertisements. The intent is to break the stigma of opioid dependency – and showcase the harsh reality […]

Understanding the Types and Effects of Opioids and Opiates

Different effects of opiates and opioids

$25.4 billion—that’s how much the global opioid market was worth in 2018. Additional market research projects that opioids will see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.8 percent between 2019 and 2026—a close match to the projected 2% CAGR of the world’s most popular class of drugs, statins. The reason for incredible value and growth in opioid drug use is because of […]

Opioid Use Disorder and Available Treatment Options

As the opioid epidemic is ravaging lives across our nation, it is also gaining mainstream attention. Opioid treatment options are becoming more available. However, with all the attention directed towards the opioid epidemic comes many questions and misinformation. Families across the country wonder if their loved one suffers from opioid use disorder. Accurately identifying the […]

How Self-Harm Overlaps with Opioid Addiction, and How to Treat Both

Substance Abuse, Self Harm Overlaps Opioid Addiction

The media has focused heavily on the opioid epidemic in the U.S., with a great deal of speculation about causes for the unprecedented rate of opioid abuse and self-harm. As opioid addiction rates have risen, so has attention on mental health problems coupled with substance abuse. Self-harm is a symptom of mental health issues, and […]

Can Opioid Withdrawal be Deadly?

Young woman suffering from a severe opioid withdrawal

Opioid abuse has spiked sharply over the past decade, with more than 72,000 people dying from a drug overdose in 2017. Thousands of people struggle daily with opioid use, yet few get the treatment they need. Additionally, there is a lack of education about the causes and consequences of opioid abuse. In particular, people commonly […]

Beyond the Symptoms of Opioid Addiction

beyond the symptoms of opioid addiction; people running as pill bridge collapses, causing them to fall

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs and alcohol. So many, in fact, that the CDC has described the opioid crisis as a “public health epidemic.” And it is not just heroin and other hard drugs that pose a threat: prescription pain-killing medications such as opioids (Demerol, Oxycodone, Fentanyl, Percocet, etc.) are some of the […]

Opioids in Orange is the New Black

Orange is the New Black characters

Orange is the New Black (OITNB) has returned on Netflix for its fifth season. The series delves into the lives of women in prison. A judge sentenced and imprisoned these women for a federal crimes. However, instances beyond their control including corruption, drug smuggling, funding cuts, overcrowding and guard brutality adversely affect the prisoners’ health […]