Opiate Detox: Compassion Over Judgement

Opiate Detox: Compassion Over Judgement

Rapid Opiate Detox
Providing opiate treatment based on compassion over judgment is the best way to achieve healing. Removing the stigma attached to drug addiction is an excellent first step. Many people addicted to prescription painkillers are simply patients who took the medicines they were given for a medical condition or post-op.

Regardless of how they became addicted, our job is to provide effective treatment rather than judgment. As health care workers, we need to adhere to non-judgmental, compassionate, and effective approaches to opiate treatment.

Opioid Crisis

Opiate drugs, including synthetic derivatives such as Percocet, oxycodone, Dilaudid, fentanyl, and heroin, have plagued our nation. Although physicians use these drugs to treat pain, its abuse of these drugs has destroyed families, neighborhoods, and even cities.

Opiates are a great suppresser of pain, including emotional ones. This class of drugs is highly effective in reducing anxiety, and at sufficiently high doses, it also produces euphoria. Once you start using it daily, the drug will take ownership of your thoughts, behavior, and ultimately your actions.
This gripping dependence leaves users in a vicious cycle of taking more than they originally intended, repeated/failed attempts to cut down or quit the drug altogether while wasting a significant part of their lives obtaining the drug and recovering from its effects. Despite the serious physical or psychological harm, people seem to have a tough time walking away from opiate use.

For over 25 years, people from all over the world have chosen Waismann Method as their opioid detox provider.

We know the challenges you face and the importance of creating a unique and personal experience for you right from the start.
Call for Detox Options 1-800-423-2482

A Health Issue with Epidemic Proportions

During the 1990s, there was an incredible effort by public health officials and BigPharma to improve pain treatment in the United States. The reasons for this push are still not thoroughly investigated or disclosed, but its tragic effects are undeniable.

In that same period, the statement of pain became the “fifth vital sign,” A decision that many regrets at this point. Doctors and nurses were led to believe that pain should be relieved at all costs and that opiate drugs were entirely safe. Although narcotics are excellent pain relievers, they are not the lovely lamb many thought it to be. Just the opposite, opioid addiction became a wolf that terrorized and destroyed many lives.

Although most healthcare professionals were well-intentioned, the consequences of such deception by BigPharma are now very well recognized. Prescription opioid abuse, open borders, and lack of mental health care have been the principal contributor to the current “opioid epidemic.”

Furthermore, due to sudden drug policies and prescribing regulations, doctors’ significantly reduced or stop prescribing opioids to their patients, which led many people to turn to street drugs, including heroin. Today, street heroin is commonly laced with fentanyl, making the addiction even more potent and deadlier. In 2020, we experienced a new form of a drug overdose epidemic- one that is led by the despair and hopelessness resulting from Covid-19. We are currently in a frightful situation that will not be fixed by common addiction treatments but an issue that will need mental, social, and medical assistance.

Medical Opiate Detox – Effectiveness and Compassion Over Judgement

Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is the new terminology to replace opiate addiction and dependence. The purpose of these changes is to reduce stigma, preventing so many from seeking the help they need. To treat OUD effectively, patients first need to complete detoxification — a medically supervised detox is always recommended.


Continued Treatment

Helping someone get through an acute withdrawal is crucial but only the first step in sobriety. Patients should also receive an assessment to understand specific health needs and the best next steps. There is no single answer or solution for everyone. People’s DNA and life-history are different, including their physical and emotional needs. The best treatment programs will consider all aspects and factors of an individual’s life.


Naltrexone and Vivitrol

One type of therapy which provides excellent success for most patients who have completed an opioid detox is Naltrexone. Naltrexone helps patients avoid relapse because it eliminates physical cravings. It works by monopolizing the mu receptors in the brain so that opioids drugs cannot attach to them and stimulate the reward system. Naltrexone has 100 times more clinging abilities than opioids, but it does not induce the nervous system processes that produce feelings of euphoria and pleasure.



Opioid dependence is appropriately understood as a medical condition like hypertension, asthma, and diabetes. As with those other diseases, a recurrence is possible. However, effective treatment can limit adverse effects while improving the patient’s day-to-day functioning.

Different Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) stages, including tolerance, dependence, and addiction, directly affect the reward system. Treatment based on shame and judgment has proven ineffective and borderline cruel. Instead, medical interventions for opioid detox are highly effective in treating and preventing long-term side effects. It is also important to remember that this condition’s emotional and social aspects often need appropriate psychosocial treatments. Clinician knowledge of an opioid use disorder’s neurobiological root and patient education can provide insight into behaviors and addiction-related issues while identifying treatment options, methods, and goals.